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Life Force Chiropractic aka Gentle Chiropractic Care
Beth A. Pickford D.C.
81 Makawao Ave
Makawao, HI
Ph1: 808-572-6586

Workmans Compensation

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Chiropractors in the United States

 Life Force Chiropractic aka Gentle Chiropractic Care 
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 About Our Practice
Dr. Beth Pickford's office is located in "Upcountry Maui," in the beautiful plantation town of Pukalani in a center for holistic healing. The clinic atmosphere reflects the relaxed lifestyle of Maui. Dr. Pickford is committed to serving you in meeting your healthcare goals. Dr. Pickford's Gentle Chiropractic Care will help to unleash the innate healing potential within your body allowing your body to more effectively heal itself. People typically feel very relaxed, centered and aligned after a treatment.

CranioSacral Therapy
Logan Basic
Sacral Occipital Tech.
Body Talk
Fascial Kinetics

Sacro Occipital Technique
Sacro Occipital Technique of Chiropractic (SOT) and Chiropractic Craniopathy is grounded in scientific research. Since the early 1900's, SOT has consistently delivered exceptional results while emphasizing patient comfort. SOT is a total body technique. Its broad scope includes not only the back and neck but also the internal organs, extremities and cranial structures. In SOT the primary focus is upon structural stability and integrity as well as neurological function. The basis of the human structure is the pelvis and the cranium. The spine, shoulders, neck and head sit upon the pelvis and are subject to the stresses and strains of gravity. These structures, as well as the rest of the body, are functionally maintained and controlled by the brain through the nervous system. Brain function is dependent upon optimal motion and alignment of the cranial bones and cranial dura. Located below the pelvis is the locomotion system: the legs and feet. All structures of the body are essential to the integrity of the whole. Additionally, organ function depends upon proper nerve supply from the spine. The spine in turn receives nerve reflexes from the organs that can compromise spinal mechanics. Therefore, the alignment, balance and optimal function of the cranium, pelvis, each spinal segment, organs and all of the extremities are essential to optimal health. (www.soto-usa.org)

 Clinic Hours 
   open close open close 
  Sun Closed By Appointment 
  Mon 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 3:30 PM 7:00 PM 
  Tue By Appointment 
  Wed 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 3:30 PM 7:00 PM 
  Thr By Appointment 
  Fri 10:00 AM 2:00 PM 3:30 PM 7:00 PM 
  Sat Closed By Appointment 

Driving Directions
Located in the Pukalani Square next to First Hawaiian Bank on Makawao Ave. in the Upcountry Area; 8 miles from Kahului Airport.

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